Student Construction Management Association Scramble

Bowling Green Counry Club Golf Course

Student Construction Management Association is affiliated with the "Construction Management Association of America (CMAA)", allowing students interested in construction management to network, learn about the industry, and connect with professionals through their university chapter; essentially a student club focused on construction management related topics and career development within the CMAA framework. 9 Holes starting at […]

Mahjong – every Wednesday

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

starts at 1:15pm Beginners welcome Mahjong is played with four players seated around a table, though there are variants with three players. Players shuffle the tiles, cast the dice, and perform rituals involving the allocation of tiles. Then, the exchange of tiles begins. The first person to match a hand of 14 tiles and call […]


Bowling Green Country Club’s Spring Annual Open House

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Open to the Public Come and meet the Members of our fabulous club.  Tour the Pro Shop.  Have a drink on us. Appetizers are served. See what is on our social schedule for 2025

Easter Bunny Brunch

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Special Guest appearance

Euchre – every first and third Monday

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Dinner starts at 5:00 Cards start at 7:00 Euchre is played with a deck of cards that only includes aces, kings, queens, jacks, 10s and nines of each suit. There are five rounds, or “tricks,” in each game. Each player will place one card down on the table on their turn, and a player takes […]


Mahjong – Every Wednesday

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

starts at 1:15pm Beginners welcome Mahjong is played with four players seated around a table, though there are variants with three players. Players shuffle the tiles, cast the dice, and perform rituals involving the allocation of tiles. Then, the exchange of tiles begins. The first person to match a hand of 14 tiles and call […]

Chili Open Scramble

Bowling Green Counry Club Golf Course

Shotgun start at 3:00pm First Member Scramble of the Season Scramble Fee - $10.00/person for 9 holes Non-member Green & Cart Fee - $20.00/person Mulligans $20.00/team Rules – Teams must have at least one BGCC Member in a Foursome Teams will be made up of 4 Players only 11 Teams only – Sign up Quick […]


Ladies Wednesday Night League Organizational Meeting

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Wednesday Night Ladies League Open Registration on Wednesday, April 30th at the Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room. Our Ladies league is open to all at any skill level and age! Serious and beginner lady golfers are welcome. Just Ladies who want to have fun


Wormball Friday Night

Bowling Green Counry Club Golf Course

Worm Ball Friday Night Couple League Friday Wormball 2024 Come join the Friday Evening FUN Wormball golf! NOT SERIOUS GOLF!!! Starting Friday, May 2nd through September or October. Play alternate shots with your partner from tee through hole-out. Whoever makes the putt, the other partner gets to tee off. You make your own tee times, […]

Cinco De Mayo Buffet

Bowling Green Country Club Dining Room 923 Fairview Ave, Bowling Green, OH, United States

Dinner Buffet at 5:30 - make reservations as soon as possible - Members and Guests Cinco de Mayo honors the 1862 Battle of Puebla. While it is not widely celebrated in Mexico, in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has become an observance of Mexican culture and heritage, specifically in regions with large populations of […]